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Mind blowing!

by Paul on October 9, 2022 Comments Off on Mind blowing!

One chapter in , just one and this book rocks! Let this be the best investment in your life. Let it bless you.
Definitely buying a few to give to friends! It’ll be that gift that keeps on giving! Easy reading, comprehensive, easy to follow the directives and the best part, teaching me to get out of debt.. WITHOUT paying a single penny!
Who knew?
The Title is Unimportant .
It’s a definite winner !


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PaulMind blowing!

If you were only to EVER read one book….!

by Paul on October 9, 2022 Comments Off on If you were only to EVER read one book….!

I really believe, that all of us, deep down inside always figured that something was not quite right with the way banks operated…. This book is the “Ah Ha!” Moment to that enlightenment!
I honestly believe that The Title is Unimportant should be on the book shelves and bedside table of every person! Heck! It should be made a curriculum book for grade 9 students!
It is an easy read, makes total sense and is backed by case studies.. I have read it twice already and will be reading it again and again!

Amazon Customer

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PaulIf you were only to EVER read one book….!

The Real Truth About Bank Credit

by Paul on October 9, 2022 Comments Off on The Real Truth About Bank Credit

I’ve read a few articles over the last year that mention how banks actually loan you money. I sort of got the gist of their sleight of hand, but this book lays it all out in the open. Plain, easy to understand facts. It all makes sense to me now. I thought for years we are being made fools of by banks but couldnt work out how. This book shows exactly how they do it. What else have we been lied to about…


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PaulThe Real Truth About Bank Credit

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled”

by Paul on October 9, 2022 Comments Off on “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled”

Now that I have read this book ten years after running up credit card debt of £23,925 plus all the interest payments I made, I HAVE BEEN FOOLED!!!! The author makes it crystal clear how the banks, credit card companies and debt collectors have deceived us all with their greed making billions at our expense. I can’t believe I felt “grateful” when my credit limit was always increased further shackling me in debt for so many years. I now want my security instrument back and if it can’t be returned, then appropriate compensation will suffice!!!! Watch this space.
Would also recommend “Poking Crocodiles” by the same author – a fictional take on the facts from this book.


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Paul“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled”


by Paul on October 9, 2022 Comments Off on THIS IS A MUST HAVE AND READ!!

If you really want to know how it all REALLY works, the banks, cc companies then you must get this book, practical and proven steps to rid yourself of debt once and for all!!! Letter templates, proof that this works and WHY!

Andy & Emma

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Amazon Customer

by admin on August 9, 2022 Comments Off on Amazon Customer

I bought the paperback and the audio. Well worth having both. I don’t do many reviews on Amazon, however this one’s a must. Facts, facts and more facts. Together the system will fall. In a dark world this book gave me some great hope. Do you like contract law, this is for you, are you ready to leave the matrix? This is for you! Be prepared your whole life you have been lied too.

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adminAmazon Customer


by admin on August 9, 2022 Comments Off on James

I bought this book after hearing about a presentation from a friend. I went through the whole book in a few days. The information contained in this book was simply mind blowing. Here you find out just how far the banks have strayed from a set of rules that have been set in stone for the world to trade safely. I personally am using the principles and templates within the book to get out of debt and to lead a happier life. I would strongly recommend you get the audio version from audible also as that will help you understand the ideas more readily before you can start your own journey to getting debt free.

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Mrs H

by admin on July 26, 2022 Comments Off on Mrs H
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adminMrs H


by admin on July 19, 2022 Comments Off on Irenee
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